Come stitch up a quilty garden of flowers to enjoy all year round with Vanessa's Cottage Blossoms quilt!
Finished Block Size: 17” x 23-1/2”
Finished Quilt Size: 77” x 81-1/2”
- 1 Layer Cake® (36 squares 10" x 10") -OR- 10 fat quarters FOR blocks*
- 3-3/4 yards background fabric
- 1-1/4 yards border fabric
- 3/4 yard binding fabric
- 6-1/4 yards backing fabric
- 85" x 90" batting
*If using (10) fat quarters:
-Choose (4) fat quarters for stem & leaf blocks
-Choose (6) fat quarters for flower petals & centers (each fat quarter
yields 2 petal sets + 2 centers to mix and match in block assembly).
Fabric is Harvest Road by Lella Boutique for Moda Fabrics.
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